World famous and industry standard for heavy duty, reliable commercial diving equipment. Masks, helmets, dive control systems etc.
Images of Kirby Morgan Helmets, Masks or logos are registered trademarks of Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

Kirby Morgan Weibo
Helmets & Masks Helmets and masks
The 18B and 28B Full Face Masks are the industry standard in China. Used in conjunction with the KM Hard Shell head protector they comply with ADCI and IMCA safety standards and are suitable for use in warmer waters. Hoods and Face Seals can now be ordered in sizes S, M and L to fit different heads and different faces. The KM97 is the latest edition to the range and incorporates the new 455 Balanced Regulator.
Kirby Morgan range of helmets & masks PDF
Latest Kirby Morgan product bulletin PDF
Dive Lab Sanitising Helmets Bulletin PDF
Bulletin #7 of 2023. August 18, 2023 - Counterfeit Kirby Morgan® Products
Bulletin #6 of 2023. August 18, 2023 - Unauthorized Resellers and Voided Warranty
Low Volume Oral Nasal (LVON)
Products Affected: All KMDSI Helmets and BandMasks® EXCEPT the KM Diamond.
Kirby Morgan® is pleased to announce releasing the new Low Volume Oral Nasal (LVON). This mask is lower in volume and offers the lowest CO2 levels and the maximum breathing performance possible. The LVON will replace the P/N 510-690 and 510-747 Oral Nasal Masks and become the new standard for all helmets and BandMasks®. The 510-690 and 510-747 Oral Nasal Masks will remain available through our authorized dealer network,
The LVON will soon be available in production units and kits, but it’s available as an individual spare now.
Available in sizes S, M & L
Bulletin #3 of 2020 Cleaning and Sanitizing Kirby Morgan Helmets, BandMasks and Full Face Masks
Kirby Morgan highly recommends cleaning and sanitizing our helmets, BandMasks® and full face masks after every day of diving and/or between individual divers using the same helmet, BandMask® or full face mask. Pay particular attention to the following parts; the oral nasal mask and valve, the outer edge of the mic element (the section that faces the diver’s face), nose block shaft and nose block pad, exhaust system, inside the regulator body, regulator diaphragm, demand regulator exhaust valve, water dump valve and neck dam. Use of antibacterial and chlorhexidine mouthwashes or sprays are ineffective solutions for proper disinfecting.
Bulletin #5 of 2022 Regulator Cover Guard
Products Affected: P/N 525-765, P/N 505-455 and any KMDSI helmet or BandMask® that is configured with a 455 Balanced Regulator
To provide additional protection to the 455 balanced regulator, an updated cover guard is now available for purchase. This will be the standard on all applicable units, once current stock is depleted.

Bulletin #9 of 2022 - Surface Supplied MOD-1
Kirby Morgan® is very pleased to announce the Surface Supplied MOD-1, the latest addition to our product line of M-48 Modular Full-Face Masks. The Surface Supplied MOD-1 is designed for the dive team requiring a lightweight and durable commercial diving mask. An advanced MOD-1 mask model with specialized passages that allow venting the upper eye cavity is paired with a very comfortable extra stretchy 7 mm attached hood and advanced Surface Supplied Pod. The new Pod is constructed of high-quality materials, including Titanium and specialty polymers to increase durability and eliminate corrosion. The threaded inserts in the jaw frame are used to securely fasten the pod to the mask, unlike other M-48 configurations that allow pods to be removed and replaced by hand without the use of tools. This pod is fixed in place but is easily removable for any required service or conversation to our SCUBA or Rebreather pod.
Hood with face seal
Kirby Morgan Diamond Closed Circuit Diving Helmet
The Kirby Morgan Diamond was released in February 2020. This is a fully closed circuit helmet, which can return divers’ exhaust gas directly to the surface. With the turn of a knob the helmet can instantly become open circuit or closed circuit. It has been tested in saturation diving for more than 1,500 hours.
KMB-28B with 455 Balanced Regulator
Model hood for Kirby Morgan BandMasks with silicone face seal
Air Control Systems KMACS5
Kirby Morgan's Air Control System 5 (KMACS 5) is designed for surface supply air diving down to a maximum of 40msw. It will support two divers. After purchase all Kirby Morgan products can be registered with us or diectly on line at
KMACS-5 with Communicator
Suits & Personal Regulators
Kirby Morgan have a range of regulators featuring different performance levels. The latest additions to the range are the 455 Balanced Regulator and the Balanced second stage SCUBA regulator.
Kirby Morgan range of regulators PDF
455 Balanced Regulator
Balanced 2nd Stage SCUBA Regulator
Helmets & Masks Repair, Maintenance and Training
United Sterling is an authorised repair and training centre for the full range of Kirby Morgan products. We carry out annual maintenance on helmets, bandmasks and air control panels. On completion a full report is issued, which should go into the equipment’s log book for future reference. We are authorised to teach Kirby Morgan Maintenance and Repair Technician courses and Kirby Morgan Operator/User training.
Authorised service centre
Crowsfoot 10 pc wrench set
Guangzhou Diving School
Regulator nut socket
Roundwell medium pressure gauge
Side block internal
Torque wrench & screwdriver
On 5th May 2023 Guangzhou Diving School and United Sterling signed an agreement to hold all Kirby Morgan Technician Training courses at the diving school’s facility in Guangzhou. From now on all diving technicians in China wanting to be trained or to renew their certification, will have to attend one of the regular three day training courses at the school. The first of the new courses took place from 16th to 18th May. Ten technicians from various parts of China took part.
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